“The Cats Came Back” by Sofie Kelly (A Magical Cats Mystery) Book 10
I came into this series on this book, so I have serious back reading to do to catch up. But Sofie Kelly does such a wonderful job writing this story that I had no trouble following along. This story opens with Kathleen having a discussion with her cats about a "Corpse" they had left on her drivers seat of the truck. I thought, "wow, dead body already"? Then I realized it was a corpse of the hunter kitty variety, as in something kitties love to gift their owners with to show what great hunters they are. Ha... great heart pumping start to a story and a good laugh too. The story moves at a very nice pace with lots of lovely interactions with Kathleen and friends, plus her cats, lots of subplots to move the story right along. We have the murder of a young woman during the music festival and Kathleen has a hard time believing anyone could want to kill her, she was just so nice. Kathleen is asked to look into the murder because with the Music Festival and all the...