Lorna Barrett’s Booktown Mysteries “Murder on the Half Shelf” Book 6

In this book we find the Miles Sisters, Tricia and Angelica, heading out to try a night at the soon to open new Bed and Breakfast in Stoneham. Angelica won the night stay at the recent Chamber of Commerce meeting. Tricia is struggling to haul all their luggage and silently grumbling about it to herself.

They meet the manager, Pippa Comfort and talk with her briefly before she leaves to find her husband to help them with their luggage. But Angelica decides not to wait and they struggle up to the 3rd floor suite and unload their things. Wanting to head out for dinner right away, Angelica begs Tricia to walk her little dog while she changes clothes. Of course this is when Tricia stumbles across a dead body.

Things just devolve from there for poor Tricia. Her on again, off again relationship with Police Chief Grant Baker is off thanks to this latest murder. Since she found the body, he keeps saying she is a suspect and he can't appear to be showing favoritism. And she is having a hard time dealing with finding a new Assistant at her mystery bookstore, Haven't Got a Clue.

And so another fun Mystery adventure begins. I do love the personal angst that Lorna so colorfully and accurately portrays for her characters. It's always interesting and you sure feel Tricia's frustrations. I really did not have a clue as to who the murderer really was. Well crafted and suspenseful. And totally love who ends up saving the day! These stories just get better and better!

Murder on the Half Shelf, found here at Amazon!
