Lorna Barrett's Booktown Mystery's, Book 7, "Not the Killing Type"

Angelica Miles, Tricia's sister is running for President of Stoneham's Chamber of Commerce. And the story opens with the Chamber's Breakfast meeting and Tricia is regretting so many cups of coffee. Angelica won't let her leave the table and Tricia is getting very uncomfortable. Bob Kelly, the current President tries to end the meeting without a vote, and Angelica reminds him it is time for a vote for new president. Bob of course thinks he is just going to run unopposed once again, but is called up short when Angelica is nominated and seconded. But then everyone is surprised when another person throws his hat in the ring. Tricia calls for a 10 minute recess to let everyone think about their votes and rushes to use the bathroom, only to find she isn't the only one. She askes Eleanor, the Receptionist of the Brookview Inn if there is another bathroom. Eleanor is looking desperately for her letter opener which is missing from her desk. She describes it to Tricia before telling her where there is a Handicapped Bathroom down the hall. Tricia gets to that bathroom only to find, Stan Berry, the man who wants to run for President also, dead in the bathroom.

Once again Tricia feels the need to investigate against the wishes of her sometimes boyfriend, police chief, Grant Baker. Add in her ex husband being in town and a handsome new young man to complicate life and you have the makings of a great mystery filled with tension, some humor and even a complication of romantic overtures to really keep Tricia on her toes.

"Not the Killing Type" is the seventh installment in this wonderful series. I can't say enough at how much I love these books. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Find this book at Amazon along with all the others from this fabulous series!
